GIANO is a new phono absorbing temporary rooms system produced by P&P Italia, with revolutionary features compared to traditonal rooms.
In order to project GIANO system we collaborated with acoustics experts Arch. Alessia Paola Grignis and Ing. Stefano Sapianza; GIANO characteristics are certified by I.N.RI.M. (Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica of Turin) through acoustic absorption in reverberant chamber tests.
GIANO temporary system, besides being aesthetically pleasing, solves the problem of insufficient acoustic isolation that often occurs during exhibitions, meetings and working rooms due to spaces subdivision.
GIANO rooms have already been successfully used by TELECOM during TOSM 2011; by Exhibition Organizers during conferences, events and international Expositions; and, last but not least, with the organisers great satisfaction, during the Italian Society of Medical Radiology (SIRM) National Congress in Turin, where 600 seats rooms where staged.